Bride left horrified after discovering the incredibly dark meaning behind her married initials

Bride left horrified after discovering the incredibly dark meaning behind her married initials

The woman was horrified to discover the sinister meaning of her new initials

When naming your child, you’re conscious that you don’t want their initials to spell out something they could be bullied for.

I’ve had a child so I know the thought process, you don’t want to call them a nice name like Richard in case they’re called Dick at school, or Tucker because it rhymes with… well, you get the point.

These are things parents have control of and can look out for, but once you marry and agree to take someone else’s second name – that’s when unfortunate acronyms can come about, which is exactly what has happened to one bride.

The bride was left horrified after realizing her new initials meant something sinister (Getty Stock Image)

The bride was left horrified after realizing her new initials meant something sinister (Getty Stock Image)

‘Unfortunate’ might not be the right word for this influencer, who took to TikTok to share her new initials.

She captioned the video: “What I tell people what my initials after wedding will be.”

It’s only when you go on her profile that you realize the issue.

Her first name is Kathryn, middle name is Keller, you can probably see where this is going already, her husband’s second name is Keith.

So upon marrying him this year, she took on his surname and so her full name is now Kathryn Keller Keith.

I mean talk about bad luck, I think she could now be donning the darkest initials of all time.

They spell out KKK and sadly, many of us will know what that stands for – the notorious name for the the Ku Klux Klan.

For those not in the know, the KKK signifies numerous American white supremacist, far-right terrorist organizations and hate groups that date back to the 1800s.

Kathryn then felt the need to qualify in a follow-up video that she has absolutely no connection to the white supremacist group.

“I’m obviously not affiliated with them at all, it’s just a very unfortunate circumstance,” she said.

“I’m thinking to change my middle name but I don’t even know what I should change to – there are so many options.”

Users online came to the rescue suggesting some alternative names.

Klu Klux Klan members pictured in 1922 (HUM Images/ Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

Klu Klux Klan members pictured in 1922 (HUM Images/ Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

One wrote back on the social media platform: “If middle name is Keller, what about Ellery or Elle to keep as many letters similar as possible?”

Now, I know they’re trying to help but I’m pretty sure KEK is an alternative for crap, you know the saying ‘kek your pants’… but I guess it’s better than being named after a racist organization.

Kathryn replied: “Ok wait, I love this. This might be my favourite idea. I hadn’t thought of that.”

But personally I don’t think she would need to change her name, it’s clear she is not a member of the Klu Klux Klan

Married couple with three kids take DNA test that left wife 'sick to her stomach'

Married couple with three kids take DNA test that left wife ‘sick to her stomach’

Despite the uncomfortable discovery, the pair decided they would remain together and continue their lives with the three children

A DNA test has completely rocked a happily married couple’s life after they made an unsettling discovery.

Celina and Joseph Quinones have been married since July 2006 and share three children together, but they wanted to learn more about their family tree. However, what they found out was more than they bargained for.

The DNA test revealed that Mr and Mrs Quinones were related – they were actually cousins.

The shocking revelation left Celina ‘sick to her stomach’ despite having been intimate with her dearest husband, and cousin, Joseph for almost two decades.

Their relationship began just a few months before they decided to tie the knot, and at the time, no one on either side of the family knew each other – despite them looking similar, and their grandparents even more so.

Realtor Celina told PEOPLE Magazine: “We ended up having our wedding, and even then, our grandmas seemed to be a lot alike, and they got along, but still, nothing clicked.”

To be fair, you couldn’t really come to the assumption that you are related to someone if neither side of the family have a clue themselves – and it’s definitely not something anyone is thinking about on their big day.

The pair made the unfortunate discovery after a DNA test. (realestatemommas/Tiktok)

The pair made the unfortunate discovery after a DNA test. (realestatemommas/Tiktok)

The truth only came out when Celina began looking into their family tree through MyHeritage, roughly 10 years into marriage.

Celina recalled: “I ordered the DNA tests. They came in, and sure enough, we did our swabs, put them in the mail, and off they went.

“Then we got the results back, and I searched the family tree DNA — another part of the search — and saw him pop up there. And I go, ‘Oh no.'”

The pair don’t know exactly what degree to which they’re related, but the DNA tests indicated they are between second to seventh cousins – so the closest relative they could potentially have in common would be a great-grandparent.

Celina admitted that the discovery threw her marriage into question, including considering whether it would be right for them to stay together.

She said: “I was in shock. I was a little depressed over it, to be honest.”

Ultimately, Celina decided that the right thing to do would be for them to stay together.

They decided to stay together. (Davin G Photography / Getty Stock Image)

They decided to stay together. (Davin G Photography / Getty Stock Image)

She said: “This was after we already had three kids, and all of them were healthy. They have 10 fingers, 10 toes, but it was just a shock.”

The pair documented the discovery in a video that they posted to TikTok.

The clip has since gone on to have more than four million views on the platform.

Predictably, a lot of people expressed their distaste that the pair had decided to stay together after the discovery.

As for Celina, she said that she has come to terms with it, and is happy they’ve decided to stay together.

She said: “I feel a little more free. Like, it is what it is. There are people that love no matter what or who, so why can’t I love my cousin by accident?

Bride speaks out 'devastated' after groom is killed in horror crash just hours before wedding

Bride speaks out ‘devastated’ after groom is killed in horror crash just hours before wedding

The groom had been celebrating his bachelor party when the horrific accident took place

Groom Kirk Walker and his cousin, Rob McLaurin, were driving on the Henry Hudson Parkway in Harlem, New York, when a pickup truck came towards them, barrelling down the road in the wrong direction.

The pair had been out celebrating Kirk’s bachelor party when the incident took place at about 2:20am local time, and both men were killed as a result of the crash.

Kirk, who was just 38, had been supposed to be meeting his fiancée, Shauntea Weaver, at the altar of the Royal Manor wedding venue in Garfield, New Jersey, just one day later.

Speaking to The New York Post about her devastation, Shauntea said: “I’m supposed to be in my wedding dress right now — not in mourning.

“I feel like this is a TV show and I’m going to wake up any minute and go back to my real life. Every hour since it happened, I’m having a different emotion take me over.”

The wedding was supposed to take place at 5pm on Sunday (August 25). A catering hall representative confirmed to The Post the ceremony had been canceled due to ‘a fatal crash’.

Both Kirk and his cousin died in the crash. (Eyewitness News ABC7NY)

Both Kirk and his cousin died in the crash. (Eyewitness News ABC7NY)

“He died 24 hours before our wedding,” Shauntea said. “It’s devastating, and not just for me. He has three children that loved him immeasurably. They are heartbroken that their father’s been taken.”

Shauntea described Kirk as a ‘generous, hard-working man’, saying he had a ‘heart of gold and would do anything for anybody’.

After they met, the couple had started a successful car rental business.

“He put his blood, sweat and tears into it — we both did,” she continued.

Shauntea described being 'devastated' over the loss. (Eyewitness News ABC7NY)

Shauntea described being ‘devastated’ over the loss. (Eyewitness News ABC7NY)

The driver of the pickup truck, and a passenger who was inside at the time, both fled the scene after the incident.

Police managed to track down the passenger, but they are still investigating who was behind the wheel on Saturday morning.

Shauntea made clear that she’s looking for justice to be served, saying: “The detectives looked me right in my face and said that they were going to do everything they could to get justice.

“They told me the driver left his DNA on the airbags. So they have that. Also the passenger is in the hospital with broken legs and he needs to speak up.

“Two lives were lost in a reckless car crash,” she continued. “They need to pay for killing two innocent people.

“Nothing will bring him back. But we are seeking justice.

Mom left horrified after discovering red 'sauce' in child's Burger King order

Mom left horrified after discovering red ‘sauce’ in child’s Burger King order

Burger King has responded after Tiffany Floyd claimed the meal was covered in a ‘red fluid’

Tiffany Floyd took her four-year-old to the drive-thru Burger King in Getzville, New York on Friday afternoon.

But when the meal arrived she was surprised to see that it was covered in a ‘red fluid’.

While the most obvious source of this at a fast food outlet would be tomato ketchup, Tiffany said that her daughter had specifically asked for no ketchup.

When Tiffany saw what was actually covering the bag and the food she was left speechless and immediately told her daughter to spit out her food.

That’s because the red fluid which was covering the bag and food looked an awful lot like blood.

Tiffany recalled the gut-wrenching incident to the New York Post.

The incident happened at the Burger King branch in Getzville, NY. (Google Maps)

The incident happened at the Burger King branch in Getzville, NY. (Google Maps)

She said: “All I heard was, ‘Mom, I don’t want ketchup,’ so I grabbed her bag, thinking that they messed up our order again, and I looked and there was just blood all over her hamburger, all over the wrapper.

“I looked inside the bag, there’s blood on her toys, everything.”

The mom from Sanborn near Buffalo added: “So I instantly told her to spit out her food. She did have fries and a bit of her hamburger.

“And then I looked at my meal, and there was blood on mine too.”

When she went back to the restaurant and spoke to the manager she claimed that they confirmed it was likely to be blood.

Tiffany said that the manager ‘did inform me that a cook had cut his hand and he was bleeding’.

Tiffany was horrified to see the food covered in blood. (Tiffany Watson via New York Post)

Tiffany was horrified to see the food covered in blood. (Tiffany Watson via New York Post)

She added: “And that he was so sorry, and if I came back, he would refund me.”

Tiffany then rushed to her daughter seen by a doctor as she had eaten some of the food before they spotted the problem.

She said that her daughter would have a wait of 30 days before she was able to see a paediatrician.

“And then get her blood work done every so often for a year to see if something comes up,” Tiffany added.

While the manager did say a cook had an injury, they didn’t specify which employee.

Tiffany said: “If they just make him go and get tested, my daughter would not have to get pricked.”

Tiffany also saw the blood on her food. (Tiffany Watson via New York Post)

Tiffany also saw the blood on her food. (Tiffany Watson via New York Post)

In an official statement about the incident, Burger King said: “We were deeply upset and concerned to learn of this incident. We have been in contact with the Guest and are working with her to resolve this incident.

“This incident was the result of a team member in the restaurant who injured his finger, and upon noticing immediately stepped away. We closed the restaurant to retrain all the team members and hired an external company to complete a deep cleaning.

“We expect the restaurant to re-open Monday and are fully paying team members for any lost shifts during this temporary shut down.”

Woman suffers from rare condition that means kissing someone on the lips could kill her

Woman suffers from rare condition that means kissing someone on the lips could kill her

Caroline Cray Quinn suffers from a rare condition known as mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS)

A woman has a rare health condition that means that kissing someone could end her life.

An innocent kiss in a nightclub or bar is perfectly common for a lot of people, but it could prove fatal for Caroline Cray Quinn.

The 25-year-old, who is from Boston, suffers from a condition known as mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), an immune disease that causes her cells to incorrectly identify things as severe allergens.

The condition is extremely rare, affecting about one in 150,000 people – and for Caroline it brings daily struggles.

Food is arguably the biggest issue, with Caroline living off just oats and hypoallergenic formula, as any other foods could cause life-threatening symptoms such as breathing struggles, swelling and loss of consciousness.
Caroline Cray Quinn suffers with extreme food allergies, meaning she can only eat oats hypoallergenic formula (Jam Press)

Caroline Cray Quinn suffers with extreme food allergies, meaning she can only eat oats hypoallergenic formula (Jam Press)

MCAS has also impacted her dating life, with Caroline having to adopt strict rules for people looking to lock lips with her.

The Boston native told Need To Know: “In order for someone to kiss me, they cannot eat anything three hours prior.

“They also cannot eat any of my six main anaphylactic allergens – peanuts, nuts, sesame, mustard, seafood or kiwi – 24 hours prior to kissing me. And they have to brush their teeth before kissing me.”

Following her diagnosis, Caroline’s MCAS specialist informed her of the three ‘prerequisites’ for dates to follow before being able to kiss.

Thankfully, Caroline hasn’t been involved in any major incidents.

“It has pretty much been smooth sailing with those rules, but I’ve had a handful of minor reactions while kissing somebody or after kissing somebody,” she explained.

“My mouth will get itchy, my lips and my tongue will get itchy, and as soon as I feel that I immediately stop and let them know that I’m feeling reactive.

“If need be, I brush my teeth immediately and take some emergency medication.

“It’s never really progressed past a bit of flushing and some head rush.”

However, Caroline believes her ‘unconventional’ method is actually a ‘lowkey a cheat code to dating’.

She can experience flare-ups (Jam Press)

She can experience flare-ups (Jam Press)

She said: “It immediately weeds out any guys who don’t really give a s**t about you.

“Like if they have to follow a few rules to be able to kiss you, then they obviously care, they’re obviously interested, and they’re willing to put in a good amount of effort.”

Caroline has now settled down with her boyfriend Ryan, who is more than happy to abide by the rules.

And while the condition means kissing poses a risk, Caroline is not liming herself.

She said: “Kissing boys is definitely a risk.

“It invites potential instability into my life, but so does everyday life for me – for example, I am so allergic to dogs and cats, and it’s technically a risk for me to just leave the house or go to the beach.

“I could be laying down on the beach sunbathing and all of a sudden a dog could come up and lick my face.

“[That would be] immediate anaphylaxis.

“But I’m not going to not go to the beach just because I’m scared of the worst case scenario.”

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