Trying to save time on a morning is not the best for your health 🤢

Dentist issues warning to people who regularly brush their teeth in the shower

Dentist issues warning to people who regularly brush their teeth in the shower

If you brush your teeth in the shower, you could find yourself at risk of getting quite poorly

A dentist is warning Brits about the dangers of brushing your teeth in a certain location that thousands of people do the daily activity in.

By brushing your teeth in this spot, you could risk causing yourself serious harm and becoming sick, he has explained.

Taking care of our teeth is a daily task, with healthcare professionals recommending we do it twice a day in order to keep nasties such as plaque and bacteria at bay.

Not only does it help keep them healthy and strong, but it can stop them from going yellow if you brush them in the right way, with some simple tips available to get them pearly white again if you find yours have become discoloured.

Using mouthwash has become another way to keep our mouths clean and healthy, which combined with flossing and visiting a dentist for check ups, should mean you’re doing everything in your power to keep them healthy in to your later years.

But despite this, people still make mistakes, with one dentist issuing a warning to those who brush their teeth in a very particular location.

No, we’re not talking about at the sink. That is, quelle surprise, the most obvious place to do the twice a day task.

Doctor Zaeem, from electric toothbrush manufacturer Ordo, has issued advice on some of the most common everyday mistakes we’re making with our oral health care routine and tells us what we should be doing instead.

You should brush your teeth twice a day (Getty Stock Images)

You should brush your teeth twice a day (Getty Stock Images)

And within there, he’s hit out at those who decide the best place to brush your teeth is in the shower.

While this is an absolutely bizarre location as far as this journalist is concerned, it is, apparently, something many people do on a daily basis.

The logic makes sense, by combining your daily cleaning routines all in to one place. But doing this leaves you open to a big risk of falling ill.

“For some people this seems like an obvious place to brush your teeth as you’re conveniently also washing the rest of your body,” Dr Zaeem says.

“However, it’s not a good idea to brush your teeth in the shower as moisture in the shower can create an ideal environment for bacteria to grow.

Brushing your teeth in the shower is a no no (Getty Stock Images)

Brushing your teeth in the shower is a no no (Getty Stock Images)

“This means that your perfectly clean toothbrush is now exposed to bacteria and therefore so is your mouth. The heat from the shower can also damage the bristles on a toothbrush.”

So not only can it make your toothbrush ineffective, the heat and steam from the shower can mean the bristles become a breeding ground for horrible bacteria that you’re about to put right in to your mouth. Not nice, best avoided as far as we’re concerned.

Dr Zaeem says says that replacing the head of your toothbrush should be done regularly.

He says: “All brush heads wear out over time, this means that they will be less effective at cleaning, more susceptible to contamination and potentially damaging to teeth and gums.

“We would always recommend changing the brush head on sonic toothbrushes or manual toothbrushes every two to three months. This way, you can be sure your toothbrush is performing at its best.”

Dentist explains the three situations where you should ‘never’ brush your teeth

Dentist explains the three situations where you should ‘never’ brush your teeth

The dentist has revealed the three times you should ‘never ever ever brush your teeth’

We’re always hearing about how important it is to brush your teeth twice a day.

Most dentists recommend doing so to avoid the build up of plaque, which can cause tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath.

However, it is equally just as important not to brush your teeth, according to Dr Shaadi Manouchehri.

The London-based dentist has shared the three situations you should ‘never ever ever brush your teeth’.

Situation no.1

Sometimes it's ok to not brush your teeth. (Getty Stock Images)

Sometimes it’s ok to not brush your teeth. (Getty Stock Images)

The dentist says it’s really important not to brush your teeth straight after you’ve just vomited.

“This is probably all you want to do after you’ve vomited, but actually the contents of the stomach are extremely acidic, and your teeth are made up of minerals,” Dr Manouchehri explains.

“So when the contents of the stomach have come into the mouth, then the mouth is very acidic.

“And if you brush straightaway, you’re rubbing that acid onto the tooth even more. So wait at least 30 to 60 minutes before you brush your teeth. What you can do instead is rinse out with some mouthwash to begin with and drink some water just to help neutralise that acid quicker.”

Situation no.2

The dentist has revealed the three times you should 'never ever ever brush your teeth'. (Getty Stock Images)

The dentist has revealed the three times you should ‘never ever ever brush your teeth’. (Getty Stock Images)

This one is going to irritate quite a few coffee drinkers, so I apologise in advance.

“Next up, never brush your teeth after you’ve just had coffee,” the dentist said.

“Coffee is quite acidic and especially if you add milk and sugar that can make the acidity even worse.

“Exact same concept, if you go and brush your teeth straightaway, you’re rubbing acid onto the tooth and wearing the tooth away.

“Wait at least 30 to 60 minutes, you don’t actually have to brush your teeth, just rinse out with some mouthwash or drink water.”

Situation no.3

This ties in with brushing your teeth after your morning coffee as Dr Manouchehri says: “Don’t brush your teeth after breakfast, brush them beforehand because if you brush straightaway, you’re going to be damaging your enamel.

“And actually when you first wake up in the morning, you have quite a lot of bacteria in the mouth and that needs to be brushed before you have your breakfast.”

Taking to the comments section, one person thought: “That’s why I brush my teeth first thing in the morning, I don’t understand people who don’t.”

“Brudda i threw up like 30 mins ago and brushed my teeth :(,” a second penned.

“I’ve been brushing after coffee (breakfast) for like 10 years,” added a third.

“I do all of these and my dentist tells me my teeth are some of the best they’ve seen,” a fourth wrote.Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Dentist gives stark warning over mistake that can worsen disease nearly half of people suffer with

Dentist gives stark warning over mistake that can worsen disease nearly half of people suffer with

Turns out the thing that’s meant to be helping your teeth could be causing problems

A dentist has given a stark warning over a mistake that can worsen the disease nearly half of people suffer with.

Yep, according to UKHSA, over 45 percent of adults in the UK have a degree of periodontitis that is irreversible. That’s what most of us know as gum disease.

Very common, it’s where the gums get red, swollen and sore and often bleed – particularly while you’re brushing your teeth.

While the NHS says ‘most’ of us have it, it’s very important you get it checked out by a dentist.

And oral surgeon at Dentum, Dr Andrej Bozic says there’s a mistake often made that can worsen your chances of suffering from it.

Gum disease is very common in the UK (Getty Stock Image)

Gum disease is very common in the UK (Getty Stock Image)

The dental expert suggested that sometimes, it can be as simple as your oral products just not being clean enough, especially retainers and Invisalign trays.

He told the Mirror: “Brushing your retainers or clear aligners with a hard toothbrush can create tiny scratches on the surface.

“These grooves can become breeding grounds for harmful bacteria, which can then transfer to your gums and lead to infections, inflammation and eventually gum disease.”

Dr Bozic also warned that the build-up of bacteria in your mouth can often go unnoticed despite getting worse as time goes on.

“Keeping your retainers clean is just as important as brushing your teeth. A little extra care goes a long way in protecting your gums and your overall oral health,” the dentist added.

So, to help prevent those pesky scratches on your retainer, Dr Bozic recommends using soaking solutions rather than a toothbrush to clean it.

He insists cleaning your retainer properly is vital (Getty Stock Image)

He insists cleaning your retainer properly is vital (Getty Stock Image)

And he laid out a set of steps to do so:

Soak in cleaning solution

Dr Bozic said to use a ‘retainer cleaning solution or denture cleaner’ to soak your aligner every day. These products are designed specifically to remove the bacteria without your retainer being damaged.

Rinse with lukewarm water

By rinsing your retainer in lukewarm water after ‘every meal’, you can aid the washing away of food particles and bacteria. But make sure to avoid hot water as it can cause the plastic to warp.

Use a soft brush for tough spots

While the dentist generally says to avoid hard toothbrushes, a ‘gentle, soft bristled’ one with no toothpaste can help get the tough spots inside.

“Toothpaste can be too abrasive for retainers, so it’s important to use something gentler,” he added.

Avoid using mouthwash

And finally, Dr Bozic warned the alcohol found in mouthwash can cause damage to the plastic, making the cleaning less effective.

Doctor issues urgent warning to people seeking 'woefully unregulated' BBL procedure after woman dies in UK first

Doctor issues urgent warning to people seeking ‘woefully unregulated’ BBL procedure after woman dies in UK first

A mum-of-five died earlier this week following the ‘controversial procedure’

A doctor has issued an urgent warning to people seeking a ‘woefully unregulated’ Brazilian Bum Lift (BBL) procedure after a mum-of-five died.

Alice Delsie Preete Webb became the first to die in the UK following a ‘liquid BBL’ on Monday (23 September). Detectives are now working with Gloucestershire Police to investigate her death, as two people have been arrested.

And Dr Paul Banwell is now warning others of the health risks of procedures like this. A founding member of the Safer Cosmetic Surgery Group, he explains a liquid BBL is considered to be a ‘minimally invasive, non-surgical treatment’.

Rather than using a person’s body fat, it instead uses dermal filler injections to ‘enhance the shape and size of the buttocks’.

And he tells LADbible: “It is considered a very controversial procedure within the industry.”

Two people have been arrested. (Facebook / Alice Webb)

Two people have been arrested. (Facebook / Alice Webb)

Banwell explains that if not performed correctly, it can ‘pose serious health risks’ and in extreme cases, can be ‘life-threatening’.

Following Webb’s death, the doctor said: “At present, Brazilian butt lifts, including liquid BBLs (and all other injectables) are legal in the UK but sadly remain woefully unregulated.

“This heartbreaking news should prompt action at their highest levels. I hope this loss will encourage much-needed urgent conversations about improving safety standards in the UK aesthetics industry and make this a doctor-only procedure.”

The plastic and cosmetic surgeon ‘can’t stress enough’ how important it is for people wanting a treatment like this to ‘research both the procedure and the practitioner’.

“Make sure your chosen practitioner is fully medically qualified, has the appropriate certifications and national body registrations, and specialises in the procedure you’re considering,” he advised.

Dr Banwell is warning those looking at having similar procedures. (Supplied)

Dr Banwell is warning those looking at having similar procedures. (Supplied)

Banwell also said to look for reputable clinics ‘with strong safety protocols’ and ask for before-and-after photos, patient testimonials, and details about the product or technique being used.

The doctor adds: “It’s also important to ensure that the clinic is registered with a recognised medical regulatory body, and to have a detailed consultation beforehand to discuss risks, expectations, and any potential side effects.”

It is reported by the Mirror that Webb’s treatment was allegedly carried out by an unqualified practitioner without medical training.

A Gloucestershire Police spokesman said: “Two people have been arrested on suspicion of manslaughter following the death of a woman in her thirties in Gloucester. Police had been called by the ambulance service at around 11.35pm on Monday (23 September) with a report a woman had become unwell following a suspected cosmetic procedure.

“She was taken to Gloucestershire Royal Hospital and died in the early hours of Tuesday morning. Her next of kin and the coroner are aware. The woman’s family are being supported by specially trained officers.

“An investigation, led by the Major Crime Investigation Team, is ongoing. The two people who had been arrested have been released on police bail. We can also confirm the woman who died is 33-year-old Alice Webb.Doctor issues warning to stop peeing in the shower

Doctor issues warning to stop peeing in the shower

There’s a very good reason why you shouldn’t take a whizz in the shower

If you’ve ever peed in the shower, listen up.

A doctor has warned people to stop having a pee while the shower is running, and the reason why is pretty interesting.

A doctor has explained why you shouldn't pee in the shower. (Getty Stock Image)

A doctor has explained why you shouldn’t pee in the shower. (Getty Stock Image)

Urogynaecologist Dr Teresa Irwin, who specialises in pelvic health and incontinence, explained to her TikTok followers that by doing so, we’re actually training our bladders to want to wee when we hear the sound of water.

“You don’t want to do it all the time because what happens is every time you hear the sound of water your bladder is going to want to pee – because it’s used to hearing the sound of the water in the shower,” she said.

“So whenever you’re washing your hands, washing the dishes, your bladder is going to be salivating, so to speak, because it wants to go and pee.”

It echoes the sentiments of Dr Alicia Jeffrey-Thomas, who took to TikTok last summer to warn her followers that having a shower wee could actually have ‘huge consequences’ down the line.

In fact, you might want to stop peeing while the shower is running, too.

You probably shouldn't pee with the shower running, either. (Getty Stock Image)

You probably shouldn’t pee with the shower running, either. (Getty Stock Image)

Dr Jeffrey-Thomas explained: “If you pee in the shower or turn on the faucet or turn on the shower and then sit on the toilet to pee while the water is running, you’re creating an association in your brain between the sound of running water and having to pee.

“Combo that with pelvic floor dysfunction, either now or down the line and that’s gonna potentially lead to some leak issues when you hear running water outside of the shower.

“Unfortunately, those of us that were assigned female at birth and have that anatomy, we’re not designed to pee standing up… your pelvic floor isn’t going to be relaxing properly meaning that we’re not going to be emptying our bladder super well.”

Offering her followers some advice, Dr Jeffrey-Thomas added: “Try and pee before you even turn on the shower or water and if you get the urge while you’re in the shower, try to ignore it.”

She also pointed to scientist Ivan Pavlov’s classical conditioning experiment, in which Pavlov was able to condition dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell as they’d been taught to associate it with food.

“He rings the bell every time he puts food out for the dogs so eventually the dog starts to associate the bell (with food) and he starts to slobber even if there’s no food there,” Dr Jeffrey-Thomas said.


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