Woman who ‘died and came back to life’ reveals the difference between her visit to hell and heaven

Woman who 'died and came back to life' reveals the difference between her visit to hell and heaven

Charlotte Holmes claimed she even spoke to God while in heaven

A woman who was clinically dead for 11 minutes came back to life with quite a story to tell about what waits for people in the ‘afterlife’.

A lot of people are concerned about how they live their life and what comes after death.

But one woman from Wichita, Kansas, is likely to put any fears at ease because of an experience she had back in 2019.

After going for a routine check-up with her cardiologist, 68-year-old Charlotte Holmes’ blood pressure soared to a dangerous 234 over 134. Doctors feared she was suffering from a stroke or heart attack.

For 11 minutes, Charlotte’s heart had stopped, and she was declared clinically dead.

She has since detailed her alleged experience of ‘heaven’ and terrifying view of ‘hell’ while speaking on the TV show The 700 Club.

Charlotte went into great detail regarding the beauty she witnessed while being clinically dead and being taken to ‘heaven’.

She said: “I could smell the most beautiful flowers I’ve ever smelled, and then I heard music.

“When I opened my eyes, I knew where I was. I knew I was in heaven.”

She claimed that she was escorted deeper into heaven by a group of angels.

Charlotte continued: “I can’t convey to you what heaven looked like, because it’s so above what we can even imagine, a million times.

“There’s no fear, it’s like pure joy when the angels take over.

“They didn’t look old, they didn’t look sick, none of them wore glasses. They looked like they were in their 30s. Yet it says in the scriptures, ‘We will be known as we were known’. I knew them there in their new bodies. They looked wonderful.”

Charlotte Holmes detailed how amazing she found 'heaven' (The 700 Club)

Charlotte Holmes detailed how amazing she found ‘heaven’ (The 700 Club)

One of the most striking moments during this experience was when she was allegedly reunited with a child she had lost.

Charlotte went on: “I can remember thinking, ‘Who is this?’ And I heard my heavenly father say to me, ‘It’s your child.'”

Speaking of the personal memory, she revealed: “I lost that child. I was five-and-a-half months pregnant. I can remember them holding the baby up and saying, ‘Charlotte, it’s a boy’. Then he was gone. So when I seen this toddler, I said, ‘God, how is that possible?’ He said, ‘They continue to grow in heaven – but there’s no time, it’s eternity.'”

But while being able to witness the beauty of heaven, Charlotte claims that God then showed her ‘hell’ as a warning.

'Heaven' sounds wonderful, 'hell' not so much (The 700 Club)

‘Heaven’ sounds wonderful, ‘hell’ not so much (The 700 Club)

She explained: “God took me to hell, and I looked down and the smell, and the rotten flesh – that’s what it smelled like… and screams.

“After seeing the beauty of heaven, the contrast to seeing hell is almost unbearable.

“God says, ‘I show you this to tell you, if some of them do not change their ways, this is where they shall reside.’ I heard my father say, ‘You have time to go back and share.'”

And that is exactly what Charlotte did. She said after this experience she felt herself being pulled back into her body and it was at this moment that her husband saw her eye twitch.

After the 11 minutes, Charlotte was revived, made a full recovery and was released from the hospital two weeks later.

Tragically, Charlotte would pass away a few years later in 2023 at the age of 72 following a heart attack.

Woman who ‘died and came back to life’ visited hell and revealed what she saw when she looked down

‘After seeing the beauty of heaven, the contrast to seeing hell is almost unbearable’, Charlotte Holmes explained after dying for 11 minutes

Oh Christ… you’re telling me hell is real?

Well, according to Charlotte Holmes of Wichita, Kansas, both heaven and hell are definitely real, having seen them for herself after she ‘died and came back to life’ in September 2019.

After going for a routine check-up with a cardiologist, Charlotte – who was in her late sixties at the time – discovered that her blood pressure was dangerously high, before doctors explained she was either having a heart heart attack or a stroke.

She was rushed to hospital where she was pronounced clinically dead for 11 minutes – at which point, she had an out-of-body experience.

Charlotte explained how she could see and smell the most amazing flowers – it was then that her husband Danny, who was sat by her side throughout the terrifying ordeal, realized something was up.

Recounting the incident on The 700 Club, he said: “That’s when I knew she was not in this world.”

Speaking about it, Charlotte said: “I could smell the most beautiful flowers I’ve ever smelled, and then I heard music. When I opened my eyes, I knew where I was. I knew I was in heaven.”

Charlote Holmes described heaven as having the most beautiful smelling flowers (Getty stock)

Charlote Holmes described heaven as having the most beautiful smelling flowers (Getty stock)

Heaven, it seems, is as beautiful as the Bible paints it.

Charlotte said: “I can’t convey to you what heaven looked like, because it’s so above what we can even imagine, a million times.

“There’s no fear, it’s like pure joy when the angels take over.”

In her vision, she witnessed her parents, sister and other family members that she had lost – including her baby who had sadly died during pregnancy, but he took the form of a little boy instead of a fetus.

But it was her description of hell that will horrify you.

While she was in heaven, she claimed God showed her a vision of what hell was.

Charlotte added: “God took me to hell, and I looked down and the smell, and the rotten flesh – that’s what it smelled like… and screams.

Charlotte claimed hell smelt of rotten flesh and all she could hear was screams (Getty Stock Image)

Charlotte claimed hell smelt of rotten flesh and all she could hear was screams (Getty Stock Image)

“After seeing the beauty of heaven, the contrast to seeing hell is almost unbearable.”

The devout Catholic explained that the reason she was shown the horrors of hell by God was to warn people.

She went on: “He says, ‘I show you this to tell you, if some of them do not change their ways, this is where they shall reside.’ I heard my father say, ‘You have time to go back and share.'”

After 11 minutes she was resuscitated, but four years later in November 2023, Charlotte died at the age of 72 following a heart attack.

She left behind Danny, their only child Crystal and their grandchildren.

Man who died and came back to life reveals what it was like in the ‘afterlife’

David Hanzel was close to death when suffering with a severe lung infection and sepsis

A man who claims to have died and came back to life says he briefly visited the afterlife.

Dozens of people across the globe say they’ve seen the afterlife after almost dying, and it seems as if everyone has a different experience of ‘the other side’.

For example, UK resident Kevin Hill fell seriously ill in 2021 after contracting calciphylaxis. At one stage he was so sick that lost five pints of blood, which caused his heart to stop.

During this time, he claims to have become ‘separate from [his] body’ and was in some kind of ‘spirit realm’.

Meanwhile David Hanzel had a rather different experience when he briefly died in 2015.

At the time, Hanzel had developed a lung infection and sepsis. Surgery confirmed that 70 percent of his lung was covered in the infection and he ultimately ended up on his ‘deathbed’.

He ‘flatlined’ and ended up falling into a coma, which he remained in for two months.

During this period, Hanzel was supposedly greeted with ‘a beautiful afterlife’.

David Hanzel had a near-death experience in 2015 (@mediumdavidhanzel/TikTok)

David Hanzel had a near-death experience in 2015 (@mediumdavidhanzel/TikTok)

“I just remember closing my eyes because I was sick. And then when I opened my eyes back up, I was in this night sky,” he explained to the Daily Star.

“It was the most beautiful, velvety, silky night sky. No clouds. No stars. No nothing. And there wasn’t a beginning or end to it.”

Hanzel, who says he’s a psychic, went on to say that he was then greeted by two ‘beings’.

“All of a sudden one being was on my left and one on my right. They just felt comfortable. Like I knew them,” the North Carolina resident recalled.

“They showed me that it was the most beautiful, golden-white light. It was so pretty and there were all these angels and everything going up into it.”

The claims that he 'flatlined' before going into a two month-long coma (Getty Stock)

The claims that he ‘flatlined’ before going into a two month-long coma (Getty Stock)

But it wasn’t white pearly gates they took him to, but a bar. It had ‘beautiful coloured bottles on the side’ and no booze or other beverages.

After stopping off at the alcohol-free bar, Hanzel was told to walk up the side of a ‘big white building’.

He continued: “When you stepped, you didn’t feel like your foot touched the ground. Like there’s no gravity. It’s kind of like you’re floating and walking.”

When Hanzel eventually came round again, he claims that he was in full health once more.

He also ‘came back with total forgiveness’ for anyone who had ever done something bad to him.

Man who ‘died’ and came back to life says you go to the ‘peaceful spirit realm’

Kevin Hill said his experience made him ‘refocus’ his priorities

A man suffering with a critical illness described experiencing a ‘peaceful spirit realm’ after he was brought back from the dead.

Kevin Hill, from Derbyshire in the UK, first realized there was something wrong with his health in 2021 when his legs became swollen after retaining excess water.

He told doctors about his issues, but didn’t have any luck getting to the bottom of it until he managed to get an appointment at the coronary unit in Derby.

Kevin found himself in real trouble after contracted the rare illness.


Within hours, he was sent to the hospital to begin what would become a ‘year-long stint’ in the facility.

“They gave me medicine to get rid of the water retention. After it all went, they told me I had lost 65kg of water weight,” he said.

After a heart operation, Kevin contracted calciphylaxis – a rare and serious condition in which calcium accumulates in small blood vessels and fat and skin tissue.

Kevin’s really serious issues started when dead skin – caused by blistering – started eating his live skin, leaving him in agony.

Eventually, he bled out and lost five pints of blood, causing his heart to stop.

There are all sorts of theories about what happens when we die, from seeing a blinding light to having your life flash before your eyes.

Doctors dubbed him the 'miracle man'.


For Kevin, his experience was peaceful, and he said he was well aware that he’d died.

He recalled: “I wasn’t looking down at my body, but I was separate from my body.

“It was like I was in the spirit realm – I was conscious of what was going on but I had so much peace. I knew I was bleeding. I knew it was serious.

“The staff kept coming in and out to stop the bleeding.”

Then, he found himself standing right beside his body, watching the medical staff rush around to save his life. In the end, doctors did manage to resuscitate him, at which point he was dubbed the ‘miracle man’.

Kevin continued: “I knew I had died. I was separate from my body. Then I just went to sleep and I woke up, alive and the bleeding had stopped.

“I knew it wasn’t my time to die. The situation has made me refocus my priorities.”

He's made an almost complete recovery.


After being released from hospital, Kevin found he was ‘more resilient’ because he knew he could ‘bounce back.’

Thanks to the efforts of the health professionals, he made an almost full recovery and was able to move back home with his wife.

Speaking in 2023, Kevin said: “I am in the final stages of recovery. In my right leg, I still have some pain but it is not near the level it used to be. I would cry for hours.

“My pain level used to be 100 out of 10 and now it has dropped to a four.

“Everyone said I should be dead.”

Woman who died and came back to life reveals what she saw while ‘crossing over’

Woman who died and came back to life reveals what she saw while ‘crossing over’

Nanci Danison followed up this experience by becoming a ‘spiritual truth seeker’

A woman claims to know exactly what happens to humans when we die after going through her own life-changing experience.

What happens to us when we die has been a question that has puzzled human minds for thousands of years.

Societies, religions and communities throughout human history came to their own accepted answers to these questions.

Most remarking that a ‘creator’ or God would play a role and that there is a second life or afterlife awaiting humanity and your behavior during your life would influence where you ended up.

That being said, a devout Catholic woman from Ohio, Nanci Danison, has said she has experienced a portion of the afterlife after ‘dying’ in hospital back in 1994 – saying traditional religion taught her ‘erroneous’ information about what happens when we die.

At the time, the now 74-year-old Danison suffered a severe allergic reaction to the anesthetic during ‘an invasive radiological procedure’, which she says resulted in a ‘very extensive afterlife experience’.

Nanci Danison says she saw her deceased friends as 'light beings' after death(X/@nancidanison)

Nanci Danison says she saw her deceased friends as ‘light beings’ after death(X/@nancidanison)

Speaking to the Daily Mail, she explained that her heart went from ‘beating far too fast to not at all’, but it was what she allegedly experienced afterwards that changed her life forever.

She said: “I had no idea my body was dying. I did not lose one moment of awareness during my body’s dying and death, or during my own crossing over and afterlife.

“I was conscious throughout and I remember it all.”

She said she met five ‘Light Being’ friends and absorbed a ‘documentary-type’ history of Earth which explained ‘why my religion had taught me erroneous information about life, death, God, and the afterlife’.

What followed was a burning desire to know more about reality: What is God? What is the meaning of life? Where is heaven and hell?

Nancy said she got a 'documentary-type' history of Earth upon her death (Getty Stock Image)

Nancy said she got a ‘documentary-type’ history of Earth upon her death (Getty Stock Image)

Danison added: “I was angry that I had not learned these answers before I died, as I assumed everyone else on Earth knew this information but me.

“I went into the Light, was completely saturated with unconditional love, bliss, and acceptance.

“I literally merged my Energy and being into my five Light Being friends so that I could experience their physical lifetimes.”

Following this experience, she said she left the law firm she was working at and starting her own, while also ‘upending her life’ to start a journey informing others.

She has also earned a pilot’s licence, become a licensed private detective and written several books on her experience.

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